
Moodle is an open source platform used to manage the courses run at IIT Mandi. The link for the courses on moodle is:

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Course List for Odd Semester (Aug.-Dec. 2022) Click Here
Time Table for Odd Semester (Aug-Dec 2022) Click Here
Time Table for Even Semester (Feb - June 2022)(other than 1st year B.Tech) Click Here
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Course Code Course Title Action
EE516 Biomedical Systems Download
CS548 Cloud Networking Download
EE512 CMOS Analog IC Design Download
CE252 Geology and Geomorphology Download
CS208 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science Download
CS609 Speech Processing Download
EE504 Switch Mode Power Conversion Download
HS541 Technical Communication Download
MA549 Abstract Algebra Download
CS501 Access Networks Download
ME626 Acoustics Download
ME-524 Additive Manufacturing Download
HS624 Advance Organizational Psychology Download
HS621 Advance Qualitative Research Methods Download
HS623 Advance Social Psychology Download
EE641 Advance Wireless Technologies Download
CY643 Advanced Analytical Techniques Download
ME517 Advanced Analytical Techniques for Engineers Download
BY510 Advanced Cell Biology Download
CS515 Advanced Computer Science Practicum Download
PH603 Advanced Condensed Matter Physics Download
CS507 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Download
CE555 Advanced Design of Structures Download
AR-502 Advanced Design Practicum Download
EE620_1 Advanced Digital Signal Processing Download
EE620 Advanced Digital Signal Processing Download
HS651 Advanced Econometrics Download
EE601 Advanced Electric Drives Download
HS-109 Advanced English for Engineers Download
ME601 Advanced Finite Element Methods Download
ME603 Advanced Fluid Mechanics Download
CE513 Advanced Foundation Engineering Download
BY506 Advanced Immunology Download
CY515 Advanced Inorganic Spectroscopy Download
HS652 Advanced Microeconomic Theory Download
CY646 Advanced NMR Spectroscopy: A Problem Based Approach Download
MA603 Advanced Partial Differential Equations Download
CY512 Advanced Quantum Chemistry Download
PH702 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Download
HS623 Advanced Social Psychology Download
CE512 Advanced Soil Mechanics Download
ME606 Advanced Solid Mechanics Download
ME610 Advanced Thermodynamics Download
CS672 Advanced Topic in Deep Learning Download
MB-580 AI in Finance Download
ME605 Air Conditioning and Ventilation Download
CE-558 Air Pollution and its Mitigation Download
ME621 Aircraft Propulsion Download
CS403 Algorithm Design and Analysis Download
EM505 Alternative Energy Sources for Transportation Download
MA-526 An Introduction to Wavelets Download
CE610 Analysis and Design for Earthquake Resistant Structures Download
CE-404 Analysis Structure Download
BY522P Analytical and Molecular Biotechnology Lab Download
BY514 Analytical Biotechniques Download
BE501 Anatomy and Physiology Download
BE303 Applied Biostatistics Download
IC131 Applied Chemistry for Engineers Download
IC130 Applied Chemistry for Engineers Download
ME615 Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics Download
CS207 Applied Databases Practicum Download
ME505 Applied Finite Element Method Download
HS545 Applied Forensic Psychology Download
MA515 Applied Mathematical Programming Download
EE530 Applied Optimization Download
EE530_1 Applied Optimization Download
EE551 Applied Photonics and for Scientists and Engineers Download
CS511 Applied Probability Download
CS401 Architecture of High Performance Computers Download
HS102 Art and Architecture Download
CS562 Artificial Intelligence Download
CS305 Artificial Intelligence Download
PH524 Atomic and Molecular Physics Download
PH524 Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy Download
AR-511 Autonomous Mobile Robots Download
CY-524 Basic and Applied Electrochemistry Download
HS105 Basic Communication Skills Download
HS-108 Basic English for Engineers Download
DP503P Basic Mechanical and Electrical Workshop Download
CS502P Basics of Data Science Download
IK-504 Bhagavad Gita Comprehensive (3-0-0-3) Download
BE-202 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Download
BE302 Bioelectric Systems Modelling Download
BE-401 Bioengineering Mini Project, Term Paper and Seminar Download
BE305 Bioethics and Regulatory Affairs Download
BE304 Bioinformatics Download
BE-304 Bioinformatics Download
BY606P Bioinformatics Applications for Systems Analysis Download
BY606 Bioinformatics Applications for Systems Analysis Download
CY644 Bioinorganic Chemistry Download
CY550 Bioinspired Materials Download
BE506 Biological Modelling and Simulation Download
BE-310 Biomaterials Download
BE504 Biomaterials Download
BE301 Biomechanics Download
ME622 Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal System Download
BY502 Biophysics and Protein Engineering Download
BE503 Biosensing and Bioinstrumentation Download
BE-309 Biosensing and Bioinstrumentation Download
CE602 Blast Engineering Download
HS634 British Factories in South India Download
CE354P Building and Pavement Materials Laboratory Download
CE-203P Building Materials Lab Download
CE-203P Building Materials Lab Download
IC-112 Calculus Download
BY520P Cell Biology and Physiology Lab Download
BY511 Cell Physiology in health and diseases Download
BY513 Cellular Bioprocess Technology Download
BY503 Cellular Fuel and Cellular Communication Download
CY547 Chemical Crystallography Download
CY514 Chemical Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry Download
CY507 Chemistry of Main Group Elements Download
CE-519 Chemistry of Natural Waters Download
CY506 Chemistry of Transition Elements Download
IC130P Chemistry Practicum Download
CY101 Chemistry-1 Download
CE353P Civil Engineering Drawing Download
CE353P Civil Engineering Drawing Download
CE-203 Civil Engineering Materials Download
PH512 Classical Mechanics Download
HS556 Classical Social Theories Download
MA510 Climate Change Analysis Download
CS548 Cloud Networking Download
EE519P CMOS Digital IC design Practicum Download
CS506 Cognitive Modeling Download
IK-503 Cognitive Psychology and the Indian Thought System Download
AR-506 Cognitive Robotics Download
CY-523 Colloids and Interface Science and Technology Download
ME636 Combustion Technology Download
HS341 Communication and Discourse Download
EE535P Communication and Signal Processing Systems Design Download
MB-514 Communication Skills for Managers Download
EE-304 Communication Systems Download
EE304 Communication theory Download
CS502 Compiler Design Download
IC-113 Complex and Vector Calculus Download
CS402 Complier Technology Download
ME614 Compressible Flow and Gas Dynamics Download
IC150 Computation for Engineers Download
BE505 Computational Biology Download
BY521P Computational Biology and Cellular Bioprocess Technology Lab Download
CY522 Computational Chemistry Download
MA653 Computational Financial Modelling Download
MA653P Computational Financial Modelling Lab Download
MA608 Computational Fluid Dynamics Download
Ep302 Computational Methods for Engineering Download
PH621 Computational Methods for Physicists Download
EN511 Computational Methods in Material Science Download
CS606 Computational Modeling of Social Systems Download
CS507(I) Computer Architechture Download
PH-608 Computer assisted quantum mechanics Download
CS350 Computer Graphics Download
CS550 Computer Graphics and Geometric Design Download
CS549 Computer Network Analysis Download
CS406 Computer Networks Download
CS201 Computer Organization Download
EE-326 Computer Organization and Processor Architecture Design Download
CS201P Computer Organization Laboratory Download
MA514 Computer Programming Download
MA514P Computer Programming Lab Download
EE511 Computer Vision Download
IC152 Computing and Data Science Download
IC150P Computing for Engineers Lab Download
CE552 Concrete Technology Download
PH523 Condensed Matter Physics Download
PH523 Condensed Matter Physics Download
ME518 Conduction and Radiation Download
ME518 Conduction and Radiation Download
CE606 Constitutive Modelling and Frictional Material Download
HS471 Contemporary India Download
EE602 Control System Applications Download
ME616 Convective Heat and mass Transfer Download
MB-519 Creative Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making Download
HS357 Creative Writing Download
EN613 Creep-Fatigue Interaction Download
HS103 Dance and Drama Download
PH-625 Data Analysis in Particle Physics Download
IC252 Data Science II Download
IC250 Data Structure and Algorithm Download
CS202 Data Structures and Algorithms Download
CS514 Data Structures and Algorithms-II Download
MB-518 Decision analysis Download
HS523 Decision Making for Social change Download
CS671 Deep Learning and Applications Download
AR-509 Deep Learning for Robotics Download
BE502 Design and Analysis of Bioalgorithms Download
ME611 Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Download
ME311P Design Lab Download
ME312P Design Lab -2 Download
CS546 Design of Concurrent Software Download
CS546 Design of Concurrent Software Download
ME633 Design of Energy Systems Download
ME633 Design of Energy Systems Download
ME305 Design of Machine Elements Download
CE351 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Download
CE401 Design of Steel Structures Download
CE542 Design patterns for scalable systems Download
IC-202P Design Practicum Download
DP501P Design Practicum I Download
HS538 Development Economics Download
HS551P Development Studies Practicum Download
HS552P Development Studies Practicum II Download
EE311 Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits Download
ME616 Dielectrics and Related Materials Download
MB-532 Digital Business Strategy, Models and Transformations Download
EE608 Digital Image Processing Download
EE305 Digital Signal Processing Download
HS544 Disaster Risk Management Download
CS513 Discrete Mathematics Download
BY518 Disease Biology Download
MB-521 Disruptive Technologies for Data Science Download
CS522 Distributed Algorithms Download
CS456 Distributed Databases Download
BY501 DNA Nanotechnology Download
EN611 Durability Behaviour of Energy Materials Download
MA704 Dynamical System Download
MA644 Dynamical Systems Download
CE-521 Ecology and Environment Microbiology Download
HS534 Economics of Climate Change Download
HS626 Eighteenth Century German Aesthetic and Literary Criticism Download
ET503 Electrical Machine and Drives in Electric Transportation Download
IC160 Electrical Systems Around Us Download
IC160P Electrical Systems Lab Download
EN510 Electrochemical Systems for Energy Engineering Download
PH521 Electromagnetic Theory Download
EE-205 Electromagnetics Wave propagation Download
ME353 Electronic Materials and Their Applications Download
PH505 Electronic Structure Download
PH514 Electronics Download
PH514 Electronics Download
PH525P Electronics Laboratory Practicum Download
PH-626 Elementary Theoretical Particle Physics Download
ET502 Embedded Systems and IoT for E-Transportation Download
EN502 Emerging Energy Sources Download
ME307 Energy Conversion Devices Download
HS582 Energy Economics Download
EN501 Energy Sources and Power Plants Download
EN503 Energy Storage Technologies Download
EN503 Energy Storage Technologies Download
EN505P Energy Systems Laboratory Download
EN504 Energy:Environment Policy and Law Download
CE605 Engg. Seismology and hazards Download
CY243 Engineering Chemistry Download
IC110 Engineering Mathematics Download
CE505 Engineering of Ground Modification Download
EP401P Engineering of Instrumentation Download
EP403P Engineering Physics Practicum Download
ME-213 Engineering Thermodynamics Download
IC142 Engineering Thermodynamics Download
HS106 English Download
HS208 English-II Download
HS510 Entrepreneurship Workshop Download
CE305P Environment and Earth Science Lab Download
CE-306P Environment Engineering Lab Download
HS654 Environmental Economics Download
HS653 Environmental Economics Download
CE-515 Environmental Impact Assessment Download
IC230 Environmental Science Download
BE-203 Enzymology and Bioprocessing Download
BE203 Enzymology and Bioprocessing Download
HS543 Epidemics in World History: From the Black Death to COVID-19 Download
EE531 Estimation and Detection theory Download
MB-531 Ethical and Legal aspects of Business Download
HS542 Ethnicity, State, and Nationalism in India Download
ME604 Experimental Methods in Thermal Engineering Download
PH614P Experimental Research Techniques Download
ME619 Experiments in Materials Science Download
CS-516P Exploratory Project Download
HS107 Exploring Creative Arts form Download
EE514 Feedback Control Design Download
MA-527 Field and Galois Theory Download
HS553 Field Study Download
HS553P Field Study Download
HS205 Financial Accounting Download
MA654 Financial Engineering Download
HS535 Financial Inclusion in India Download
HS551 Financial Management Download
MB-527 Financial Management Download
HS450 Financial Management Download
MB-515 Financial Statements Analysis Download
ME601 Finite Element Method Download
ME641 Finite Element Method Download
ME601 Finite Element Method in Engg. Download
ME352 Finite Element Methods Download
ME352 Finite Element Methods in Engg. Download
ME513 Finite Element Methods in Engineering Download
MA655 Fixed Income Securities Download
ME210 Fluid Mechanics Download
CY670 Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Microscopy and Applications Download
CY344 Food Chemistry Processing: Preservation and Storage Download
CS544 Formal Concept Analysis: Theory and Practice Download
CS304 Formal Languages and Automata Theory Download
PH705 Foundation in Experimental Physics Download
IC-102P Foundation of Design Practicum Download
MA765 Fractional Differential Equations Download
MA521 Functional Analysis Download
ME609 Functional Materials Download
EN509 Functional Materials for Energy Engineering Download
MB-520 Fundamentals of Data and Analytics Download
EE508 Fundamentals of Electric Drives Download
ME506 Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics Download
ME514 Fundamentals of Multiphase flow Download
CY541 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Download
HS531 Gender and development Download
BY527 Gene silencing and genome editing: principles and applications Download
BY507 Genetic Engineering Download
BE-306 Genetic Engineering: principles and applications Download
CE302 Geotechnical Engineering Download
CE-311 Geotechnical Engineering I Download
CE402 Geotechnical Engineering II Download
CE-311P Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory Download
HS352 German II Download
HS362 German III Download
HS-503 German Literature from World War 2 to Reunification Download
HS629 German Studies: An Intellectual and Cultural Approach (1750-2000) Download
HS342 German-I Download
HS372 German-IV Download
HS-501 Global Health and Demography Download
MA-530 Graph Theory Download
IC140 Graphics for Design Download
CY511 Group Theory and Spectroscopy Download
ME303 Heat Transfer Download
ME631 Heat Transfer and Fluid flow in Energy Systems Download
CY504 Heterocyclic Chemistry Download
MA525 Heuristic Optimization Download
ME-522 High-performance Scientific computing Download
ME522 High-Performance Scientific Computing Download
HS525 History of Development Thought Download
CS551 Human Computer Interaction Download
HS526 Human Geography: A Western Himalayan Perspective Download
MB-528 Human Resource Management Download
EE630 HVDC Transmission and Flexible AC transmission System Download
CE251 Hydraulics Engineering Download
CE304P Hydraulics Engineering Lab Download
CY552 Hydrogen Generation and Storage Download
CE-517 Hydroinformatics Download
CE355 Hydrology Download
ME628 Impact Mechanics Download
HS524 India in 1950s Download
HS255 India since Independence Download
HS355 India through its Epics Download
HS201 Indian Economic Development Download
HS502 Indian Economic Development and Policy Analysis Download
HS-549 Indian Literatures in English Translation Download
HS527 Indian Social Structure and Development Download
HS381 Indian Society: Structure and Change Download
HS602 Indian Writing In English Download
CE587P Industrial/Academic Internship Download
EP-502 Informatics for Materials Design Download
CS309 Information and Database Systems Download
HS528 Information Technology and Development Download
CY506P Inorganic Chemistry Lab Download
ME355 Internal Combustion Engines Download
HS481 International Economics Download
MB-523 Introduction to AI and Automation Download
IK-502 Introduction to Bio-signals Download
BE-308 Introduction to Biomanufacturing Download
CE-202 Introduction to Civil Engineering Download
CS310 Introduction to Communicating Distributed Processes Download
HS-302 Introduction to Drama in English Download
HS241 Introduction to Drama:THeory and Practice Download
HS151 Introduction to English Literature Download
HS254 Introduction to European Philosophy Download
PH-528 Introduction to General Relativity Download
HS-306 Introduction to German Literature Download
CS508 Introduction to Heterogeneous Computing Download
EE606 Introduction to High Voltage Engineering and Dielectric Breakdown Download
PH701 Introduction to Molecular Simulations Download
CY242 Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy Download
CY247 Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics Download
BY516 Introduction to OMICS and Systems Analysis Download
MA555 Introduction to Partial Differential Equation for Engineers Download
HS343 Introduction to Political Philosophy Download
HS204 Introduction to Political Sciences Download
CY555 Introduction to Polymer Science & Technology Download
BY517_1 Introduction to Proteomics Download
HS252 Introduction to Psychology Download
HS152 Introduction to Rhetoric Download
HS344 Introduction to Sociology Download
HS253 Introduction to Sociology Download
PH302 Introduction to Statistical Mechanics Download
PH706 Introduction to Stochastic Problems in Physics Download
ME625 Introduction to Turbulence and its Modelling Download
HS391 Introduction to World History Download
HS235 Introductory Econometrics Download
EE536 IoT Systems Download
CS541P IoT Systems and Cloud Download
CE-451 Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structure Download
CS308 Large Applications Practicum Download
PH503 Laser and Applications Download
EN513 Life Extension Engineering Download
IC-114 Linear Algebra Download
MA512 Linear Algebra Download
EE509 Linear Dynamical Systems Download
HS601 Literary Methods: Theory and Interpretation Download
ME205 Machine Drawing Download
MB-522 Machine Learning for Business Download
PH508 Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Download
ME351 Management of Manufacturing and Logistics Systems (NKN) Download
MB-516 Managerial Economics Download
ME308 Manufacturing Engineering Download
ME-215 Manufacturing Engineering-1 Download
ME-315 Manufacturing Engineering-2 Download
ME635 Manufacturing for energy Systems Download
ME-511 Manufacturing of Composites Download
HS633 Manuscriptology Download
CS561 Map Reduce and Big Data Download
AR-508 Marine Robotics Download
MB-579 Marketing Analytics Download
MB-517 Marketing Management Download
CS520P Master of Technology Dissertation – part I Download
ME204 Material Science for Engineers Download
EM504 Materials for Energy Applications Download
IC241 Materials Science for Engg. Download
ME607 Materials Science for Failure Analysis Download
MB-512 Mathematical Foundations for DS and AI Download
MA553 Mathematical Foundations of Financial Engineering Download
MA-610 Mathematical Modeling Download
MA650 Mathematical Models for Infectious Diseases Download
PH511 Mathematical Physics Download
MA102 Mathematics -2 Download
CY521 Mathematics for Chemists Download
CE-522 Matrix Methods for Structural Analysis Download
CS512 Matrix Theory Download
HS575 Mayan America Download
MA-528 Measure Theory and Integration Download
IC231 Measurement and Instrumentation Download
ME602 Mechanical Vibration Download
ME632 Mechanics for Energy Systems Download
ME617 Mechanics of Composite Mateial Download
ME622 Mechanics of Human Body Download
IC121 Mechanics of Particles and wave Download
IC240 Mechanics of Rigid Bodies Download
IC240 Mechanics of Rigid Bodies Download
ME206 Mechanics of Solids Download
CE-613 Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils Download
BY-529 Mechanobiology of the Cell (MBoC) Download
AR-503 Mechatronics Download
BY524P Medical and Nanobiotechnology Lab Download
ME627 Mesh Independent Computational Technique Download
PH601 Mesoscopic Physics and Quantum Transport Download
BY504 Metabolic Systems Biology Download
BY613 Metagenomics, and Next Generation Sequencing Technologies Download
ME507 Micro and Nanoscale Fluid Mechaincs Download
EE312P Microelectronics Circuits Design Practicum Download
EE520 Microelectronics Devices and Modelling Download
ME520 Microwave based Manufacturing Processes Download
EE616 Microwave Engineering Download
EE622 Microwave Integrated Circuits Download
CE586P Mini Project Download
DP504P Mini Project Download
PH615 Mini-thesis I Download
PH622 Mini-thesis II Download
EE619 Mixed Signal VLSI Design Download
CS662 Mobile Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence Download
ME620 Modeling and Simulation Download
EN605 Modeling and simulation for Energy Systems Download
MA621 Modeling Population Dynamics Download
EE528 Modelling and Analysis of Electrical Machines Download
EE-542 Modelling, Simulation and Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Download
HS364 Modern China:A Historical Survey Download
HS451 Modern Literature Download
HS608 Modern Western Societal Thought Download
CY642 Molecular and Bio-electronics Download
BY515 Molecular Biotechnology Download
CY248 Molecular Physical Chemistry for Engineers Download
ME591 Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Download
HS104 Music Download
BY505 Nanobiotechnology Download
ME509 Nanomanufacturing Download
CY241 Nanoscale Science and Technology Download
CY342 Nanoscience:Understanding Small Systems Download
HS529 Natural Resource and Development Download
EE609 Network Information Theory Download
CS547 Network Management Systems Download
CS547 Network Management Systems Download
MB-530 Neural Networks Fundamentals for Business Download
IK-507 Neuroscience and Mental health Download
HS209 New Media Arts Download
EE582 Nonlinear Analysis and Control of Power Electronic Converters Download
MA-560 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Download
MA460 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Download
PH611 Nuclear and Particle Physics Download
PH612 Nuclear and Particle Physics Download
MA552 Number Theory Download
MA551 Numerical Analysis Download
MA607 Numerical Analysis Download
MA523 Numerical Analysis Download
MA709 Numerical Linear Algebra Download
MA551 Numerical Methods Download
ME504 Numerical Methods for Engineering Computation Download
MA565 Numerical Methods in Quantitative Finance Download
MA609 Numerics of Partial Differential Equation Download
IC-115 ODE and Integral transform Download
CS306 Operating Systems Download
MB-562 Operations Management Download
MA641 Operations Research Download
MA612 Operator Theory Download
MA612 Operator Theory Download
PH604 Optical Properties of Solids Download
MA651 Optimization Techniques Download
MA465 Ordinary Differential Equations Download
MA513 Ordinary Differential Equations Download
MA465 Ordinary Differential Equations Download
CY553 Organic Inorganic Spectroscopy Download
CY501 Organic Reaction & Mechanism Download
CY556 Organic Spectroscopy Download
HS403 Organizational Behavior Download
MB-524 Organizational Behaviour Download
HS304 Organizational Management Download
CY508 Organometallic Chemistry Download
MA522 Partial Differential Equations Download
HS-303 Partition of India: History and Legacy Download
CS669 Pattern Recognition Download
CS549_1 Performance Analysis of Computer Networks Download
HS-504 Personal Finance and Portfolio Management Download
PH519P PG Project-II Download
HS-547 Philosophy of Texts and Narratives Download
CY502 Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions Download
CE508 Photogeology and Photogrammetry Download
PH502 Photonics Download
CY511P Physical Chemistry Laboratory Download
PH515P Physics Laboratory Download
EP403 Physics of atoms and molecules Download
PH-607 Physics of Ultracold Quantum Gases Download
HS530 Planning, Welfare and Development Download
HS301 Policy Analysis and Advocacy Skills Download
HS606 Political Philosophy Download
CY641 Polymer Synthesis Download
ME516 Polymer Technology for Engineers Download
HS263 Popular Culture in Modern India : A Historical Perspective Download
HS351 Popular Fiction Download
HS554P Post Graduate Project Download
CE688P Post Graduate Project I Download
CE689P Post Graduate Project II Download
ME695P Post Graduate Project-I Download
HS537 Post-Reform India: Polity, Society and Economy Download
HS363 Post-war Germany: A Literaray Perspective Download
HS539 Post-War Germany: Politics, Society, and Culture Download
ET501 Power Electronic Applications in Electric Transportation Download
EE537 Power Quality Problems and Mitigation Techniques in Microgrids Download
EE584 Power System Protwction Download
BY508 Practical Metabolomics Download
BY-509 Practical OMICs Download
EE604P Practicum on Advanced Electrical Drives Download
EE623P Practicum on digital control and electrical devices Download
ME501P Practicum1 Download
CE554 Prestressed Concrete Structure Download
HS202 Principles of Economics Download
ME356 Principles of Energy Conversion Download
ME356 Principles of Energy Conversion Download
MB-513 Principles of Management Download
AR-505 Principles of Robot Autonomy Download
AR-507 Probabilistic Robotics Download
CS601 Probability and Random Processes Download
EE534 Probability and Random Processes Download
EE532 Probability and Random Processes Download
MA524 Probability and Statistics Download
MB-510 Probability and Statistics for Data Science and AI Download
IC210 Probability, Statistics and Random Processes Download
ME-523 Product Design Download
MB-570 Product Management Download
ME-212 Product Manufacturing Technology Download
IC-141 Product realization Technology Download
IC141 Product Realization Technology Download
CS611 Program Analysis Download
IC250 Programming and Data Structure Practicum Download
CS571 Programming Practicum Download
MA582 Project Part 2 Download
MA581 Project Part I Download
MA582 Project-Part II Download
BY519 Protein Science in Therapeutics Download
BY517 Proteomics Download
HS206 Public Speaking and Debating Skills Download
EM651 PV Materials and Fabrication Download
MB-511 Python Programming Download
MB-525 Qualitative Research Download
BY512 Quantitative and Computational Biology Download
PH606 Quantum Field Theory Download
PH513 Quantum Mechanics Download
PH513 Quantum Mechanics 1 Download
PH301 Quantum Mechanics and applications Download
PH613 Quantum Mechanics II Download
EE621 Radiating systems Download
AR-512 Rapid Prototyping and Tooling Download
CY513 Reaction Dynamics, Kinetics and Catalysis Download
HS373 Reading s from German History Download
HS627 Readings in Eighteenth Century German Literature Download
HS694 Readings in Himachal History and Culture Download
HS-546 Readings in World Literature Download
CY645 Reagents in Organic Synthesis Download
MA568 Real Analysis Download
MA511 Real Analysis Download
MA511 Real and complex Analysis Download
MA601 Real and Functional Analysis Download
EE560 Reconfigurable Computing Download
ME618 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Download
ME451 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Download
CE501 Remote Sensing Download
EE603 Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Download
RM510 Research Methodology Download
IK-509 Research methodology Download
RM600 Research Methodology Download
BY-600 Research Methodology Download
HS522 Research Methodology to Social Science Download
IK-506 Research methods and statistics for contemplative science Download
PH516 Research Project I Download
PH526 Research Project III Download
PH527 Research Project IV Download
EE642 Research Study Download
HS611 Research Writing Download
ME-100 Reverse Engg. Download
IC101P Reverse Engineering Download
EE-223P Reverse Engineering Download
BE-307P Reverse Engineering for Bioengineers Download
AR-501 Robot Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control Download
AR-504 Robot Programming, Modeling, and Simulation Download
ME452 Robotics and control Download
CE514 Rock Mechanics Download
CS563 Scalable Data Science Download
HS-548 Science and Society Download
CY554 Science and Technology of Nanomaterials Download
HS353 Science Technology and Society Download
HS358 Science Writing Download
CS592 Selected Topics in AI Download
CS592_Algor Selected Topics in Algorithms Download
PH591_1 Selected Topics in Introduction to Quantum Superposition, Quantum Download
PH591 Selected Topics in Introduction to Quantum Superposition, Quantum Download
EE593 Selected Topics in Low Power VLSI Design Download
HS591 Selected Topics in Personal Financial Planning Download
ME591 Selected topics in Renewable Energy Download
EE592 Selected Topics in Resonant Soft-switched DC-DC Converters Download
CS591 Selected Topics on Constraint Satisfaction Problems Download
PH591 Selected Topics on Correlated Electron Systems Download
DP399P Semester Internship Download
PH526 Seminar Download
PH614 Seminar and Report Download
AR-515 Sensors and State Estimation Download
IC260 Signals and System Download
IC260 Signals and Systems Download
CE504 Slope Stability and Retaining Structures Download
EE583 Smart Grids Download
HS536 Social Movements in India Download
HS354 Social Psychology Download
HS508 Socio-Technical System Engineering Download
HS472 Sociology of Development Download
HS636 Sociology of Religion Download
CS545 Software Design Pattern Download
CS545 Software Designing Patterns Download
ME640 Solar Power Utilization Download
ME638 Solar Thermal Power Plant Download
CE557 Solid Mechanics in Structural Engineering Download
PH501 Solid State Physics Download
HS632 South Indian Epigraphy Download
PH613 Special Topics in Quantum Mechanics Download
HS591 Special Topics in Business Communications for Engineers Download
CS630 Speech Technology Download
MA605 Statistical Data Analysis Download
MA-529 Statistical Inference Download
PH522 Statistical Mechanics Download
HS550P Statistical Method Practical Download
HS650 Statistical Methods Download
HS550 Statistical Methods Download
MA-611 Statistical tools and Computing Download
ME618 Stealth Technology:Infrared Signatures Download
MA656 Stochastic Calculus for Financial Engineering Download
MB-526 Strategic Management Download
CE301 Strength of Materials and Structures Download
CE-310 Strength of Materials and Structures Download
CE-310P Strength of Materials and Structures Lab Download
CE556P Structural Engineering Laboratory Download
CE611 Structural Health Monitoring Download
CE-518 Structural Reliability and Risk Assessment Download
EN612 Structure-Property correlation in materials for Energy Applicatio Download
EN512 Structure-Property Correlations for Energy Applications Download
PH605 Superconductivity Download
CE201 Surveying:Traditional and Digital Download
HS532 Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection Download
ME310 System Dynamics and Control Download
BY523P Systems Biology Lab Download
ET-504 Systems Design for Electric Vehicles Download
CS307 Systems Practicum Download
HS101 Technical Communication Download
ME519 Technical communication for Engineers Download
EE-541 Tensors: Techniques, Algorithms, Applications for Signal Processi Download
CS560 Text Retrieval and Mining Download
HS637 The Historian's Craft Download
HS261 The Indian Constitution Download
CE561 The Science of Climate Change Download
HS563 Theory and Methods of Policy Analysis Download
ME309 Theory of Machines Download
ME309P Theory of Machines Lab. Download
CE-604 Theory of Plasticity Download
CE612 Theory of Plates and Shells Download
PH-609 Theory of quantum collision and spectroscopy Download
ME639 Thermal Power Plant Engineering Download
ME613 Thermal Radiation Download
ME-210P Thermo-Fluids Lab Download
ME310P Thermo-Fluids Laboratory Download
ME634 Thermodynamics of Energy Systems Download
BE-507 Tissue Engineering Download
MA780 Topics on Semigroup Theory Download
PH-627 Topological Quantum Matter Download
MA516 Topology Download
MA521 Topology and Functional Analysis Download
HS350 Traditional Media Arts Download
CE352 Transportation Engineering Download
CE352 Transportation Engineering Download
CE-352P Transportation Engineering Laboratory Download
HS401 Tribal India, Indigenous Latin America Download
CE-516 Uncertainty Analysis in Civil Engineering Download
AR-510 Underactuated Robotics Download
IC136 Understanding Biotechnology & its Applications Download
HS203 Understanding Society Download
AR-513 Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Download
HS533 Urban Development Download
PH527 Vacation Project I Download
PH617 Vacation Project II Download
ME521 Vehicle Design and Dynamics Download
CS523 Verification of Reactive Systems Download
AR-514 Vision and Learning Based Control Download
EE-543 Vision and Learning Based Control Download
EE611P VLSI Fabrication Practicum Download
EE611 VLSI Technology Download
CE403 Wastewater Engineering Download
CE-405 water and wastewater Engineering Download
CE303 Water Resources Engineering Download
CE-303 Water Resources Engineering Download
HS607 Weimar Classicism Download
ME637 Wind Power Plant Download
EE613 Wireless Communication Download
PH507 X-rays as a probe to study materials properties Download
IK-501 Yoga Sutras Download

Evaluation: Grading System and CGPA Calculation

Notification: Formula for CGPA to Percentage Conversion

Grading System

Grading is done on a 10-point scale by means of the letter grades: O, A, B, C, D, E, F. On the 10-point scale, these letter grades carry the following numerical values:

Letter Grade: 0 A B C D E F
Points equivalence: 10 9 8 7 6 4 0

Where F grade is fail grade.
In addition to the above grades, there is a temporary grade, I (Incomplete). The I-grade indicates that a small part of the total requirements of the course remains to be completed and that the student has done satisfactory work in all other aspects of the course. The I grade needs to be converted to a proper letter grade within 1 month of the start of the next semester.

CGPA Calculation

The performance in a semester is indicated by the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA), which is a weighted average of the grades in all the courses done by the student in the given semester. The SGPA is calculated as follows:

where ci stands for the credit in a course and gi the point equivalent of the grade obtained in that course. The summation is over the number of courses n in the semester.

The performance up to any time in the course of the student’s program is indicated by the student’s Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), which is also calculated by the above formula, except that the averaging is done over all of the courses that the student has done during his/her entire program up to that point. If the student has earned an F grade in a course in any semester, that also goes into the calculation of the CGPA. As and when the student finally clears the course, the record of the F is removed and replaced by the new passing grade, thereby modifying the CGPA. (If the student fails in an elective course, he/she needs to pass either that same course or an equivalent course chosen under the same elective slot in consultation with the faculty advisor). Thus, when the student graduates, the final CGPA is calculated on the basis of only the passing grades.

Requirement for Award of B.Tech (Honors) Degree

A Perspective on IIT Mandi’s B. Tech. Curriculume

Discipline-wise Course Distributions

    • Courses from

        Mathematics (TOTAL: 9 CREDITS)

      • Engineering Mathematics, IC 110, 2.5-0.5-0-3
      • Linear Algebra, IC 111, 2.5-0.5-0-3
      • Probability, Statistics and Random Processes, IC 210, 2.5-0.5-0-3

        Physics (TOTAL: 8 CREDITS)

      • Mechanics of Particles and Waves, IC 121, 2.5-0.5-0-3
      • Foundations of Electrodynamics, IC 221, 2.5-0.5-0-3
      • Physics Practicum/Practicals, IC 222P, 0-0-3-2

        Chemistry (TOTAL: 5 CREDITS)

      • Applied Chemistry for Engineers, IC 130, 3-0-0-3
      • Chemistry Practicum, IC 130P, 0-0-3-2

        Biotechnology And Life Sciences (TOTAL: 3 CREDITS)

      • Understanding Biotechnology and its Applications, IC 136, 3-0-0-3


    • Courses from Common Engineering

        Computing And Electrical Engineering

      • Computation for Engineers, IC150, 3-0-0-3
      • Computation for Engineers Lab, IC 150P, 0-0-3-2
      • Data Structure and Algorithms, IC250, 1-0-3-3
      • Electrical Systems Around Us, IC160, 2.5-0.5-0-3
      • Electrical Systems Lab, IC160P, 0-0-3-2
      • Applied Electronics, IC161,3-0-0-3
      • Applied Electronics Lab, IC161P, 0-0-3-2
      • Signals and System, IC260, 2.5-0.5-0-3


    • Mechanical Engineering And Material Sciences

      • Graphics for Design, IC140, 2-0-3-4
      • Product Realization Technology, IC141, 2-0-0-2
      • Product Realization Technology Lab, IC141P, 0-0-3-2
      • Engineering Thermodynamics, IC142, 3-1-0-4
      • Mechanics of Rigid Bodies, IC240, 1.5-1.5-0-3
      • Materials Science for Engineers, IC241, 3-0-0-3
      • Continuum Mechanics, IC242, 2.5-0.5-0-3


    • Courses from Humanities and Social Sciences

      The Basic Program is divided into five broad streams as follows:

        Creative Understanding

      • Art and Architecture, HS102, 0-0-2-1
      • Dance and Drama, HS103, 1-0-0-1
      • Music, HS104, 1-0-0-1

      • International Language Competence

      • Introduction to English Literature, HS151, 3-0-0-3
      • German I, HS342, 3-0-0-3
      • German II, HS352, 3-0-0-3
      • German III, HS362, 3-0-0-3

        Communicative Competence

      • Basic Communication Skills, HS105, 3-0-0-3
      • Public Speaking and Debating Skills, HS206, 3-0-0-3
      • Policy Analysis and Advocacy Skills, HS301, 3-0-0-3

        Social Competence

      • Principles of Economics, HS202, 3-0-0-3
      • Understanding Society, HS203, 3-0-0-3
      • Introduction to Political Science, HS204, 3-0-0-3

        Managerial Competence

      • Financial Accounting, HS205, 3-0-0-3
      • Organizational Management, HS304, 3-0-0-3
      • Organizational Behavior, HS403, 3-0-0-3



      The subjects taught under these headings are meant to help the students achieve fluency in language, develop self-confidence by understanding man in relation to society and the environment, voice actively social concerns to make informed personal choices and take reasoned decisions at the workplace.

      Students are invited to take at least one course from each of the five broad streams listed here.

      For each stream, there is a Program Coordinator from the School to help you make the right choices.

      • Design and Innovation Practicum

      • Reverse Engineering, IC101P, 0-0-3-2
      • Design Practicum, IC201P, 0-0-6-4
      • Interdisciplinary Socio-Technical Practicum, DP301P, 0-0-6-4
      • Major Technical Project, DP401P, 0-0-12-8



Design and Innovation Practicum

    Design and Innovation Practicum (DIP) is a required course of undergraduate engineering core program. DIP program offers numerous challenges for both faculty and students because of the wide variety of projects in a given year as well as from year to year. At the end of DIP which will span during all the four years of engineering programs in different phases, students are expected to demonstrate the following attributes:

    • Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
    • Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
    • Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
    • Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
    • Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
    • Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
    • Ability to communicate effectively
    • Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context
    • Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

    The program ventures far beyond the traditional classroom instruction, graduating students are beneficiary of a life-long learning process. A successful DIP program can facilitate achieving the educational institutions’ goal of producing the most sought-after graduates by the industry.

    Choosing a DIP problem/project

    • Project that emphasizes design, experimental, and hands-on skills
    • Do not choose a project involving only collection of published materials
    • Problem that allows teamwork and offers opportunity for creativity
    • Project should not be on the critical path of a program with stringent deadlines
    • Project goals must be concrete and measurable
    • The criteria to determine success should be defined

    Plan of Design & Innovation Practicum

    Sr. No. Course Name Course Type Objective Team formulation Contact Hours Credits
    1 Reverse Engineering Core Learning from existing products/subsystems/systems Random selection from all disciplines 0L-0T-3P 2
    2 Design Practicum Core Concepts of designing of products Random selection from all disciplines 0L-0T-6P 4
    3 Interdisciplinary Socio-Technical Practicum
    Elective Interaction with society to understand the needs Team of like minded students 0L-0T-6P 4
    4 Major Technical Project (PART A and PART B) Elective In depth work on Technology/Product ( Possibly continuing work done in Sr. No.2 & 3. May have product/patent implications ( not mandatory) Team of like minded students 0L-0T-12P 8

    There will be following five courses on Design & Innovation Practicum,
    Note : Courses in Sr. No. 3 & 4 can be chosen by students independently.

Minor Program

A minor is intended for a student to gain expertise in an area outside his/her major B. Tech discipline. A specialist basket of 3-6 courses is identified for each Minor. Each basket may rest on one or more foundation courses. A basket may have sequences within it, i.e. advanced courses may rest on basic courses in the basket. In order to successfully complete a Minor, a student needs to take at least 9 credits with a CGPA of 7.0 out of the courses defined in that Minor basket. The area of the Minor must be different from the Major discipline of the student; the courses that are part of the common core (including HSS), or the discipline core/electives cannot be counted towards a Minor. A student is allowed to take any number of Minors, but a particular course cannot be counted for more than 1 Minor. The name of the Minor will appear on the Transcript and the degree certificate of the student.

Minor in Management (Revised Version- Modified & w.e.f. February, 2022)
Minor in Management (Older Version-2 Modified & w.e.f. February, 2020)
Minor in Management (Older Version-1Approved in 9th Senate held on 11th May, 2016)

PH301/PH513* Quantum Mechanics and Applications/Quantum Mechanics Download PH301/PH513
PH302/PH522 * Introduction to Statistical Mechanics/Statistical Mechanics Download PH302/PH522
PH501/PH523* Solid State Physics/Condensed Matter Physics Download PH501 / PH523
PH511 Mathematical Physics Download Course Details
PH502 Photonics Download Course Details
PH503 Laser and Applications Download Course Details
PH504 Organic Optoelectronics Download Course Details
PH505 Electronic Structure Download Course Details
PH506 Project
*Students are allowed to take only one of the overlapping courses depending upon their aptitute.

ME353 Electronic Materials and Their Applications Download Course Details
ME607 Materials Science for Failure Analysis Download Course Details
ME609 Functional Materials Download Course Details
ME619 Experiments in Materials Science Download Course Details

ME205 Machine Drawing Download Course Details
ME206 Mechanics of Solids Download Course Details
ME305 Design of Machine Elements Download Course Details
ME309 Theory of Machines Download Course Details
ME352 Finite Element Methods in Engineering Download Course Details
ME602 Mechanical Vibration Download Course Details

ME210 Fluid Mechanics Download Course Details
ME303 Heat Transfer Download Course Details
ME307 Energy Conversion Devices Download Course Details
ME356 Principles of Energy Conversion Download Course Details
ME451 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Download Course Details
ME614 Compressible Flow and Gas Dynamics Download Course Details
ME615 Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics Download Course Details

HS352 German II Download Course Details
HS362 German III Download Course Details
HS363 Post-war Germany: A Literary Perspective Download Course Details
HS372 German IV Download Course Details
HS373 Readings from German History Download Course Details
HS539 Post-War Germany: Politics, Society and Culture Download Course Details

BY606 Bioinformatics Applications for System Analysis Download Course Details
CS305 Artificial Intelligence Download Course Details
CS506 Cognitive Modeling Download Course Details
CS630 Speech Technology Download Course Details
CS669 Pattern Recognition Download Course Details
CS660 Data Mining for Decision Making Download Course Details
EE511 Computer Vision Download Course Details
CS671 Deep Learning and Applications Download Course Details
CS670 Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis Download Course Details
EE608 Digital Image Processing Download Course Details

Computer Science Engineering

Minor/ Eligible streams Foundation courses (compulsory to get minor) List of suggested courses
Computer Science Engineering • CS202 Data Structures and Algorithms

• CS307 System Practicum
All other than DSE/CSE • CS207 Applied Database Practicum
• CS208 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
• CS201 Computer Organization (along with CS201P)
• CS201P Computer Organization Lab (along with CS201)
• CS304 Formal Languages and Automata Theory
• CS309 Information and Database systems
• CS310 Introduction to Computing and Distributed processes
• CS302 Paradigms of Programming
• CS514 Data Structures and Algorithms-II

Power Engineering

Minor/ Eligible streams Foundation courses (compulsory to get minor) List of suggested courses
Power Engineering

All other than PE
• Electromechanics (EE201)
• Power Electronics (EE309)
• Algorithms Design and Analysis (CS403)
• Formal Languages and Automata Theory (CS304)
• Computer Organization (CS201)
• Information and Database Management System (CS309)
• Deep Learning and its Applications (CS671)

Electronics Engineering

Minor/ Eligible streams Foundation courses (compulsory to get minor) List of suggested courses
Electronics Engineering

All other than EE
• Network Theory (EE203)
• Digital System Design (EE210)
• Analog Circuit Design (EE211)
• Digital Signal Processing (EE305)
• Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits (EE311)
• Microelectronics Circuits Design Practicum (EE312P)

Communication Engineering

Minor/ Eligible streams Foundation courses (compulsory to get minor) List of suggested courses
Communication Engineering

All other than EE
• Communication Theory (EE304)< • Advance Communication Theory (EE502)
• Digital Signal Processing (EE305)
• Applied Optimization (EE530)

Measurement and Instrumentation

Minor/ Eligible streams Foundation courses (compulsory to get minor) List of suggested courses
Measurement and Instrumentation

All other than EE
Measurement and Instrumentation (EE313) • Control Systems (EE301)
• Digital Signal Processing (EE305)
• Advance Digital Signal Processing (EE620)

Control Engineering

Minor/ Eligible streams Foundation courses (compulsory to get minor) List of suggested courses
Control Engineering

All other than EE
• Control Systems (EE301)
• Control System Laboratory (EE301P)
• Linear Dynamical Systems (EE509)
• Robust Control Systems (EE514)

Realizing the current need of interdisciplinary skill development towards successful careers, IIT Mandi has introduced a Double Major program from 2021, by which a student of one discipline is allowed to obtain a second ‘Major’ by spending an extra one or two semesters to study approximately 12 courses of another discipline. For example, a student of Civil Engineering or Engineering Physics would be able to obtain a second major in Computer Science & Engineering. This would enable the student to sit for campus placements for CS related companies as well .