PhD Admissions

Advertisement Schools / Centres Apply Shortlisted Final Result
Call for Ph.D., Dual Degree and M.Tech. (Research) Program (AY 2024-25) in Center for Promotion of Additive Manufacturing. New CPAM Apply/Status
Advertisement for Admission to the Ph. D Programme Only for Part Time Mode in the School of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT Mandi, for January 2025. New SBB Apply/Status
Advertisement for Admission in Ph.D. Program at Center for Quantum Science & Technologies (CQST),IIT Mandi. New CQST Apply/Status Shortlisting Result
Second Round of Admissions in MTech (Research), PhD, and MTech (R)+PhD (Dual Degree) Programs, School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (SMME), January 2025. New SMME Apply/Status Shortlisting Criteria Result
School of Management, IIT Mandi Deadline Extended, Call for Admission to Ph.D. Program January 2025 Semester New SoM Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result
Advertisement for Admission to the M. Tech (by Research-full time) / Ph. D Programme (Regular Full Time / Part Time Mode) in the School of Biosciences and Bioengineering. New SBB Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result(Regular Ph.D)
Dates Extended: Call for M. Tech (by research) / Ph.D. /Dual Degree Program (Jan.-Jun., 2025),School of Computing and Electrical Engineering. New SCEE Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result M.Tech (R) | Result Dual Degree | Result PhD
IIT Mandi invites applications for joining the full-time or part-time Master of Technology by research (MTech(R))/Ph.D./Dual Degree program in Robotics at the CAIR@IIT Mandi New CAIR Apply/Status
Advertisement for Ph.D. (Regular Full Time / Part Time Mode) and M.Tech (Research) (Regular Full Time) Admission in School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, IIT Mandi (Even Semester 2024-25) New SMSS Apply/Status Shortlisting Result M.Tech Result
PhD Result
Advertisement for Admission to the PhD Programme (regular full-time mode) in the School of Chemical Sciences, IIT Mandi. New SCS Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result
Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications, Call for M.Tech (by research)/Ph.D/M.Tech(R)+Ph.D.(Dual Degree) - Program (Jan- June, 2025) New IKSMHA Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result- M.Tech_R+PhD(Dual Degree)
Result- M.Tech(R),PhD
Advertisement for Admission to Ph.D. Program in the School of Humanities & Social Sciences New SHSS Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result
Call for M. Tech (by research) / Ph.D./ Dual Degree Program in Electric Transportation (Jan.-Jun., 2025) , School of Computing and Electrical Engineering & School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering New SCEE & SMME Apply/Status Result
Admissions in M.Tech. (Research), M.Tech.(R) plus Ph.D.(Dual Degree) and Ph.D. Programs of School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IIT Mandi for Even Semester 2024-25. New SCENE Apply/Status Shortlisting Result-Part 1

Shortlisting Result-Part 2
Result M.Tech. (Research), M.Tech.(R)+Ph.D.(Dual Degree)

Ph.D Results)
Admissions in MTech (Research), Dual Degree (MTech_R+PhD) and PhD Programs in the School of Mechanical and Material Engineering, January 2025 New SMME Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result
IIT Mandi seeks application for the Regular Ph.D. program in the School of Physical Sciences (SPS) New SPS Apply/Status Revised Shortlisting Result Result
Advertisement for Admission to the PhD Programme (regular full-time mode) in the School of Chemical Sciences, IIT Mandi, Under Special Recruitment Drive for Reserved Categories. New SCS Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result
Second round of Admissions in M.Tech. (Research), Ph.D. and M.Tech. (Research)+PhD. (Dual Degree) Programs at School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IIT Mandi. New SCENE Apply/Status Shortlisting Result and criteria Result
Dates Extended:Call for MS (by Research) and PhD in Music and Musopathy Program (Aug-Dec, 2024) in Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications (IKSMHA Centre). New IKSMHA Apply/Status Shortlisting Result and criteria
School of Computing and Electrical Engineering (SCEE) PG APPLICATIONS for M.Tech Research, PhD, Dual Degree Program Round II New SCEE Apply/Status
List of candidates selected for admission in Ph.D. (Chemistry) program during ODD Semester - Academic Year 2024-25 New SCS
The correction window for the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences to rectify the academic details is open till 11-07-2024 5:00 PM New SMSS
Final Results after selection process for admissions in Ph.D. program in School of Management New SoM Result
Call for Admissions in Ph.D, Dual Degree & M.Tech (Research) at Centre For AI & Robotics, IIT Mandi (Aug- 2024)- Spot round New CAIR Apply/Status Written test/Interview dates Result
SPOT ROUND of admission for Ph.D. and M. Tech (by research) (AY 2024-25) in Centre for Human-Computer Interaction (CHCI) New CHCI Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result
Advertisement for Special Recruitment Drive for Reserved Categories (OBC(NCL)/SC/ST) admission in (Doctor of Philosophy) Ph.D., M.Tech. (Research) and Dual Degree (M. Tech. (R) + Ph.D.) programs in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at IIT Mandi New SCENE Shortlisting Result and criteria for PhD

Corrigendum for M.Tech (Research) shortlisting list and criteria

Shortlisting Result and criteria for M.Tech+ PhD(Dual Degree)
Advertisement for Second Round of Ph.D. Admission ((Regular Full Time/ Part time mode) in School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, IIT Mandi New SMSS Apply/Status shortlisted candidates (with criteria) Result
School of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Special Drive for Reserved Categories EWS/OBC(NCL)/SC/ST),Call for M. Tech (by research) / Ph.D. /Dual Degree Program (Aug.-Dec., 2024) New SCEE Apply/Status
Second Round of Admissions in M.Tech (Research), Dual degree(M.Tech Research +Ph. D) and Ph. D. Programs in School of Mechanical and Material Engineering, IIT Mandi New SMME Apply/Status Shortlisting Criteria Result(Mechanical Design, Fluid Thermal and Materials Engineering/Science)

Advertisement for Admission to the PhD Programme (regular full-time mode) in the School of Chemical Sciences, IIT Mandi, for August 2024 New SCS Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Final Result
Advertisement for Admission in PhD program at Center for Quantum Science & Technologies (CQST) New CQST Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result
Call for M. Tech (by Research) / Ph.D (Aug - Dec. 2024) | School of Biosciences and Bioengineering New SBB Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result
Call for Admissions in Ph.D, Dual Degree & M.Tech (Research) at Centre For AI & Robotics, IIT Mandi (Aug-Dec. 2024) New CAIR Apply/Status Written test/Interview dates Result
Application deadline extended for SOM Ph.D Program admissions(SoM) New SOM Apply/Status Shortlisting Result
Call for M. Tech (by research) / Ph.D. /Dual Degree Program (Aug.-Dec., 2024) in School of Computing and Electrical Engineering (SCEE) Date extended upto 14-04-2024. New SCEE Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result for Ph.D
Result for Dual Degree
Result M.Tech(R)
Call for M.Tech (by research)/Ph.D/M.Tech(R)+Ph.D.(Dual Degree) - Program (Aug-Dec, 2024) in IKSMHA New IKSMHA Apply/Status Shortlisting Result and criteria Result for M.Tech (R)
Result for M.Tech_R+Ph.D (Dual Degree)
Result for PhD(Regular & Parttime)
Advertisement for Admission to Ph.D. Program in the School of Humanities & Social Sciences New SHSS Apply/Status Result
Admissions in M.Tech. (Research), Ph.D. and M.Tech. (Research)+PhD. (Dual Degree) Programs at School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IIT Mandi New SCENE Apply/Status Shortlisting Result and criteria Result for M.Tech. (Research)+Ph.D. (dual degree)
Result for M.Tech. (Research)
Result for PhD Program
Call for Ph.D., M. Tech (by research) and M.Tech.(R)+Ph.D. (Dual Degree) Program (AY 2024-25),Centre for Human Computer Interaction(CHCI) New CHCI Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result for Ph.D. (Regular)
Result for M.Tech. (R)
IIT Mandi seeks application for the Regular Ph.D. program in the School of Physical Sciences (SPS) New SPS Apply/Status Interview call list for Ph.D. (Physics) Result
Call for admissions in M.Tech (Research), Dual degree (M.Tech + Ph. D) and Ph. D. Programs at School of Mechanical and Material Engineeringl New SMME Apply/Status Shortlisting Criteria Result Part A
Result Part B
Result Part C
Call for M. Tech (by research) / Ph.D./ Dual Degree Program in Electric Transportation (Aug.-Dec., 2024) New SCEE Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result
Call for PhD Program (2024-2025) School of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT Mandi New SBB Apply/Status Result

M.Tech (Research) + PhD (Dual degree)

IIT Mandi invites applications for the M.Tech (R) + Ph.D. (Dual Degree) program in Engineering disciplines.

The Institute currently offers M.Tech (R) + Ph.D. (Dual Degree) program in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR), Biosciences & Bioengineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Computing and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Application (IKSMHA).

The award of this degree is in recognition of high academic achievements, independent research, and application of knowledge to the solution of technical and scientific problems in engineering disciplines.

Advertisement Schools / Centres Apply Shortlisted Final Result
Call for Ph.D., Dual Degree and M.Tech. (Research) Program (AY 2024-25) in Center for Promotion of Additive Manufacturing. New CPAM Apply/Status
Second Round of Admissions in MTech (Research), PhD, and MTech (R)+PhD (Dual Degree) Programs, School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (SMME), January 2025. New SMME Apply/Status Shortlisting Criteria Result
Advertisement for Admission to the M. Tech (by Research-full time) / Ph. D Programme (Regular Full Time / Part Time Mode) in the School of Biosciences and Bioengineering. New SBB Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result(Regular Ph.D)
Dates Extended: Call for M. Tech (by research) / Ph.D. /Dual Degree Program (Jan.-Jun., 2025),School of Computing and Electrical Engineering. New SCEE Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result M.Tech (R) | Result Dual Degree | Result PhD
IIT Mandi invites applications for joining the full-time or part-time Master of Technology by research (MTech(R))/Ph.D./Dual Degree program in Robotics at the CAIR@IIT Mandi New CAIR Apply/Status
Advertisement for Ph.D. (Regular Full Time / Part Time Mode) and M.Tech (Research) (Regular Full Time) Admission in School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, IIT Mandi (Even Semester 2024-25) New SMSS Apply/Status Shortlisting Result M.Tech Result
PhD Result
Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications, Call for M.Tech (by research)/Ph.D/M.Tech(R)+Ph.D.(Dual Degree) - Program (Jan- June, 2025) New IKSMHA Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result- M.Tech_R+PhD(Dual Degree)
Result- M.Tech(R),PhD
Call for M. Tech (by research) / Ph.D./ Dual Degree Program in Electric Transportation (Jan.-Jun., 2025) , School of Computing and Electrical Engineering & School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering New SCEE & SMME Apply/Status Result
Admissions in M.Tech. (Research), M.Tech.(R) plus Ph.D.(Dual Degree) and Ph.D. Programs of School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IIT Mandi for Even Semester 2024-25. New SCENE Apply/Status Shortlisting Result-Part 1

Shortlisting Result-Part 2
Result M.Tech. (Research), M.Tech.(R)+Ph.D.(Dual Degree)

Ph.D Results)
Admissions in MTech (Research), Dual Degree (MTech_R+PhD) and PhD Programs in the School of Mechanical and Material Engineering, January 2025 New SMME Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result
Second round of Admissions in M.Tech. (Research), Ph.D. and M.Tech. (Research)+PhD. (Dual Degree) Programs at School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IIT Mandi. New SCENE Apply/Status Shortlisting Result and criteria Result
Dates Extended:Call for MS (by Research) and PhD in Music and Musopathy Program (Aug-Dec, 2024) in Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications (IKSMHA Centre). New IKSMHA Apply/Status Shortlisting Result and criteria
School of Computing and Electrical Engineering (SCEE) PG APPLICATIONS for M.Tech Research, PhD, Dual Degree Program Round II New SCEE Apply/Status
Call for Admissions in Ph.D, Dual Degree & M.Tech (Research) at Centre For AI & Robotics, IIT Mandi (Aug- 2024)- Spot round New CAIR Apply/Status Written test/Interview dates Result
SPOT ROUND of admission for Ph.D. and M. Tech (by research) (AY 2024-25) in Centre for Human-Computer Interaction (CHCI) New CHCI Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result
Advertisement for Special Recruitment Drive for Reserved Categories (OBC(NCL)/SC/ST) admission in (Doctor of Philosophy) Ph.D., M.Tech. (Research) and Dual Degree (M. Tech. (R) + Ph.D.) programs in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at IIT Mandi New SCENE Shortlisting Result and criteria for PhD

Corrigendum for M.Tech (Research) shortlisting list and criteria

Shortlisting Result and criteria for M.Tech+ PhD(Dual Degree)
School of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Special Drive for Reserved Categories EWS/OBC(NCL)/SC/ST),Call for M. Tech (by research) / Ph.D. /Dual Degree Program (Aug.-Dec., 2024) New SCEE Apply/Status
Second Round of Admissions in M.Tech (Research), Dual degree(M.Tech Research +Ph. D) and Ph. D. Programs in School of Mechanical and Material Engineering, IIT Mandi New SMME Apply/Status Shortlisting Criteria Result(Mechanical Design, Fluid Thermal and Materials Engineering/Science)

Call for M. Tech (by Research) / Ph.D (Aug - Dec. 2024) | School of Biosciences and Bioengineering New SBB Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result
Call for Admissions in Ph.D, Dual Degree & M.Tech (Research) at Centre For AI & Robotics, IIT Mandi (Aug-Dec. 2024) New CAIR Apply/Status Written test/Interview dates Result
Call for M. Tech (by research) / Ph.D. /Dual Degree Program (Aug.-Dec., 2024) in School of Computing and Electrical Engineering (SCEE) Date extended upto 14-04-2024. New SCEE Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result for Ph.D
Result for Dual Degree
Result M.Tech(R)
Call for M.Tech (by research)/Ph.D/M.Tech(R)+Ph.D.(Dual Degree) - Program (Aug-Dec, 2024) in IKSMHA New IKSMHA Apply/Status Shortlisting Result and criteria Result for M.Tech (R)
Result for M.Tech_R+Ph.D (Dual Degree)
Result for PhD(Regular & Parttime)
Admissions in M.Tech. (Research), Ph.D. and M.Tech. (Research)+PhD. (Dual Degree) Programs at School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IIT Mandi New SCENE Apply/Status Shortlisting Result and criteria Result for M.Tech. (Research)+Ph.D. (dual degree)
Result for M.Tech. (Research)
Result for PhD Program
Call for Ph.D., M. Tech (by research) and M.Tech.(R)+Ph.D. (Dual Degree) Program (AY 2024-25),Centre for Human Computer Interaction(CHCI) New CHCI Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result for Ph.D. (Regular)
Result for M.Tech. (R)
Call for admissions in M.Tech (Research), Dual degree (M.Tech + Ph. D) and Ph. D. Programs at School of Mechanical and Material Engineeringl New SMME Apply/Status Shortlisting Criteria Result Part A
Result Part B
Result Part C
Call for M. Tech (by research) / Ph.D./ Dual Degree Program in Electric Transportation (Aug.-Dec., 2024) New SCEE Apply/Status Shortlisting Result Result